Week 3
The main topic this week is building map-based apps backed by realtime data.
Team Learning
We will make new teaming arrangements this week. Thank your current teammates
for their contributions during the past two weeks. Say hello to your new teammates.
Designing and building a parking app for the city of San Francisco.
Friday @ 11:59pm, 1/29/2016
- [ ] There should be a page providing a list view of all the garages and
their current statuses (garages.html).
- Nicely display and organize key information about each garage using
a styling toolkit (e.g., materializecss or something similar).
- [ ] There should be a page providing a map view of all the garage sand
their current statuses (garages_map.html).
- Use a combination of the sizes, colors, and types of markers, and text labels to visualize
important information such as the number of open parking spaces, cost …etc.
- [ ] There should be an index page that serves as a landing page to these
two pages (index.html).
- [ ] The information on these two pages should be updated / refreshed in realtime.
Individual Learning
Add a My Favorite Cities that will display the
weather of the five major US cities that are your favorites.
Sunday @ 11:59pm, 1/31/2016
- [ ] On the cities page (cities.html), show FIVE of your favorite cities’ weather information.
- [ ] For each city, show the weather details of this city as an item inside
<div id="cities">
. Provide as much useful weather information as possible. It must look nice.
- [ ] For each city, show a marker to indicate the location of this city on the
US map. Use colors, symbols, or sizes to visualize its current weather.
- [ ] The information on the cities page should get refreshed automatically
in realtime when there’s an update. Hint: You may need to add
somewhere to clear all the markers before redrawing the markers.
- Commit/Push your source code to Github.
- Deploy your resume app to Firebase