Hackathon: Uber for ??? (II)

Date: 02-15-2016



Total time: 20 minutes (10 minutes per round x 2)

We will do two rounds of mini demos. Split your team into halves. During each round, one half (presenters) will stay and present a demo. The other half (audience) will go to other teams to listen to their demos. The roles will switch between rounds.

As presenters, the goal of a mini demo is to practice talking about your app to an audience. What you want to talk about is up to you.

As audience, try to evenly distribute across the presenting teams so each team has 3 or 4 audience members.


Total Time: 30 minutes

Discuss among the team to come up with a plan to further develop your app in order to

The format of the plan is up to you. Leverage the skills you’ve acquired from previous CS classes (e.g., Tools and Methods).


Write your plan in /apps/uber/demo/plan.md which will generate /apps/uber/demo/plan.html. Publish your plan by deploying the update to the Firebase.

What’s Next?

Next Monday (2-22), we will organize a live-demo event. Each team will have a chance to present this prototype to the whole class and to a panel of judges.

The flow of the demo is described below:

Just like a typical hackathon, we will select people’s and judges’ award winners.